Various rate types
Various rate (types) from different booking channels - the choice is yours!
DERHOTEL offers you the possibility to provide your travellers with various rate types for booking. You decide which rate types you offer for selection.
Various rate types
Corporate net rates (incl./excl. breakfast/allotment)
BAR-off company rates
Chain Wide Discount
Booking Genius Rates
DERHOTEL special rates
Public rates
DERHOTEL receives these rates from various booking channels.
We bundle them, whether the rates are delivered via DHISCO, Amadeus, Channel Manager, or our DERHOTEL hotel management, for your booking portal.
DERHOTEL is connected to the following booking portals (OBEs):

DERHOTEL is also available on the Corporate Booking Portal of Concur TripLink.
This integration gives you an end-to-end solution with an expanded hotel portfolio and rate selection, including all the benefits of the SAP Concur platform.
We also offer the additional use of our own hotel booking platform, DERHOTEL OBE.
We can offer you all this when you use our DERHOTEL booking channel for your business.